Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Community Health Needs Assessment Essay - 1639 Words

AMT2 Service Line Development Task 2 Echo Breen A. Analyze the community health needs assessment in the case study by doing the following: A1. Discuss major risk factors identified in the assessment. Trinity Community Hospital conducted a focused community health needs assessment (CHNA) over the past year. The assessment targeted oncology, orthopedic and cardiovascular services within TCH’s service region. Information was obtained from multiple sources including epidemiological surveys, state healthcare facilities’ planning guidelines, interviews with physicians and other healthcare professionals, and community focus groups. The following are risk factors identified in each of the three service lines. Oncology Service Line Risk Factors: The CHNA identified that 15% of the population will be over 65 years of age within the next five years. 50% of the male population and 33% of the female population are expected to develop cancer during their lifetime. New cancer cases are expected to grow from the current 3,200 to 4,282 in five years. That is an increase of 34%. The CHNA also identified that the existing facilities that prevent, diagnose and treat oncology patients are at a capacity and the facilities and equipment are not keeping pace with growth in patient volume. The CHNA noted the need for additional chemo units, linear accelerators, advanced imaging equipment and operating suites. Patients and health care professionals have voiced concerns that the services areShow MoreRelatedAn Assessment of Community Health Needs618 Words   |  3 PagesCommunity There are two basic types of community: community that is defined by geography, and community that is defined by trans-geographic variables. An example of community that is defined by geography would be a neighborhood or residential area. Houses clustered together share a common space. 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